I'll admit it; I've been slacking off a bit on this blog in the last couple of weeks. Maybe I'm still recovering from my grandmother's funeral, maybe it's because Lent is in full force, maybe it's because recently I led a youth retreat weekend--probably some combination of the three. But if I'm going to be intentional in my practice, I'm going to move forward and on, and not let busyness interfere with the business of gratitude.
Which is why a recent drive to work felt a bit serendipitous, when I felt an unexpected surge of gratitude. It was a sunny day, and I had birthday plans with some friends over the weekend. As I was thinking about them, it occurred to me what amazing people I have in my life. Not that this had never occurred to me before, but it struck me by how many thoughtful and caring friends I have, friends who live near me and celebrate and share with me important milestones. Friends who live far, yet stay connected, friends who I know are there in a heartbeat if I need their support. My family, too, are loving and kind, even if we get irritated with each other from time to time. I know so many people who love me unconditionally, and who appreciate the weirdest parts of me, who love even the parts of me that I like least.
I wonder if practicing gratitude is like opening an old faucet. Once you start, even if it only trickles in at first, if it eventually begins to seep into everyday parts of our lives, infusing within us and spreading out towards others. Surprise bouts of gratitude. I have to say, they're pretty fantastic.