Tuesday, April 1, 2014

On Being the Open Door

I've spent the past few weeks studying and reading about vulnerability, shame, and empathy for a retreat I led this last weekend. Most of my studying has focused on the work of Brene Brown, who is a therapist, researcher, and speaker on these subjects. In her work, she talks about how essential vulnerability is for our lives, how those who are capable of vulnerability show the highest percentages of joy and meaning in their lives. (If you're interested in her work, check out the link to her Ted talk below).

As I have continued to write letters of gratitude, I'm finding that vulnerability is like an open door. It's the way that gratitude connects to me in a deep way. The people who I am most grateful for are those who have seen me in my most vulnerable places, and who love me deeply. And they, too, have been willing to be vulnerable to me. The people I love live all over, but those open doors still follow us, no matter where we are.

 I am finding that my gratitude deepens the wider the door is. In certain traditions, there is the notion of "thin space"-- a place or moment where the our world and the world of the Divine is thin--a place or moment where holiness can walk through. It's like an open door. Does that mean that each of us can be thin spaces, that moments of vulnerability allow for opportunities of magic and grace to seep into our lives? I think so. Who knows, I could be wrong. But I'd rather be an open door.

Brene Brown TEDx:

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